Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Little Black Rain Cloud

It is a cold, wet, dreary day. If I were Winnie-the-Pooh I would call it a blustery day, and follow-up a ha-rumph with a little smile. If I were Pooh Bear I would go visit Piglett and then pay a visit to Rabbit in search of something sweet. If I were Pooh, I might just think myself out of this little dark rain cloud that has been following me about all afternoon. Ah, alas where is A.A Milne when you need him to write you up a dose of “better?”

Instead, I will go and crawl into bed with my kids and maybe even Adam and watch a movie and eat some popcorn and feel better for having changed into comfy clothes. I will put butter on the popcorn because I think that I earned it – which is silly, but oh well. I will fall asleep surrounded my children and feel better for having allowed them to sleep in our bed. I will dream of things and places that involve people I love and a little sunshine, and I hope that tomorrow I will wake up as Pooh Bear and not Eyore.

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