Today I find myself in the unique and unfamiliar position of thinking about which ground breaking position I want to take in the upcoming primary election. I am torn and struggling and it is really becoming an important issue in my life.
Do I support the man who I think finally brings a real dialogue to the forefront of American politics about poverty? Do I stand with and behind the first woman to ever present a real opportunity for the female intellect to be present in the American political reality? Do I stand with the man who evokes feelings and emotions rooted in my need to bring equality to the world by voting and protesting, by marching and writing? Who do I support and how do I decide which of these people deserve my vote?
My husband, a (thankfully) die hard liberal and progressive discuss this on a daily basis. I have been squarely behind Edwards since the campaigns started, but Adam has been unable to decide who he wants to support. He is committed to the process, committed to the candidates and committed to getting a democrat back in the white house. But, really it is like trying to decide between rocky road and mint choc chip. You like both and the day and time and what you ate before will dictate the choice.
What did I eat before I voted? What will my breakfast have to do with my vote in March? Did I eat a big plate of Gloria Steinem or a fat milkshake of MLK Jr? Did I listen to a little Arlo Guthrie on the way to the polling place or Patti Smith? Was I reading Silvia Plath or Alice
Walker? Do I want to be a woman supporting a woman or a liberal progressive supporting a black man? Should I be a bleeding heart fiercely attached to Edwards for his personal understanding of poverty and his first hand understanding of what it takes to be a self made man? And what of his wife? His brave, cancer ridden beautiful wife?
I write this tonight after a long day of meetings, on the road, in the chill of Chicago making sales calls. I am tired and curious. I am challenged and strident. I am pissed off and resolved. I am a democrat breathing deep for the first time in years, proud and confident that our time has come and our day is near. Confident and biased that our world will soon be safer and our country will be healed.
I don’t know who I will vote for on the day I am tasked with the choice, but I do know this, I would much rather struggle to select from three brilliant, strong and visionary leaders than to have to choose from a field of people I do not believe in, and can not rely on.
It is a new day and I am so very happy to be considering my choices of a black man, a woman and a self made southern gentleman. I have never been so god damned happy about an election in my life.
Do I support the man who I think finally brings a real dialogue to the forefront of American politics about poverty? Do I stand with and behind the first woman to ever present a real opportunity for the female intellect to be present in the American political reality? Do I stand with the man who evokes feelings and emotions rooted in my need to bring equality to the world by voting and protesting, by marching and writing? Who do I support and how do I decide which of these people deserve my vote?
My husband, a (thankfully) die hard liberal and progressive discuss this on a daily basis. I have been squarely behind Edwards since the campaigns started, but Adam has been unable to decide who he wants to support. He is committed to the process, committed to the candidates and committed to getting a democrat back in the white house. But, really it is like trying to decide between rocky road and mint choc chip. You like both and the day and time and what you ate before will dictate the choice.
What did I eat before I voted? What will my breakfast have to do with my vote in March? Did I eat a big plate of Gloria Steinem or a fat milkshake of MLK Jr? Did I listen to a little Arlo Guthrie on the way to the polling place or Patti Smith? Was I reading Silvia Plath or Alice
Walker? Do I want to be a woman supporting a woman or a liberal progressive supporting a black man? Should I be a bleeding heart fiercely attached to Edwards for his personal understanding of poverty and his first hand understanding of what it takes to be a self made man? And what of his wife? His brave, cancer ridden beautiful wife?
I write this tonight after a long day of meetings, on the road, in the chill of Chicago making sales calls. I am tired and curious. I am challenged and strident. I am pissed off and resolved. I am a democrat breathing deep for the first time in years, proud and confident that our time has come and our day is near. Confident and biased that our world will soon be safer and our country will be healed.
I don’t know who I will vote for on the day I am tasked with the choice, but I do know this, I would much rather struggle to select from three brilliant, strong and visionary leaders than to have to choose from a field of people I do not believe in, and can not rely on.
It is a new day and I am so very happy to be considering my choices of a black man, a woman and a self made southern gentleman. I have never been so god damned happy about an election in my life.
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