As a working mother and a wife I am often asked ‘how I do it’, and I suspect that most every women out there whether she works outside of the home or not is asked the same question on a regular basis. I offer two answers; 1) because I have to, and 2) because I can. Not only am I able, I have the opportunity.
Women multi-task as a matter of instinct, we are solution seekers by way of survival, we are negotiators, and nurturers, we are the most natural net-workers in existence. All of our hard wired female mechanics are designed to problem solve. To take care of multiple issues as once. If you have ever seen a mother in a grocery store managing multiple children, or for some, one is more than enough to provide evidence, then you know what I am writing about. Women are far better at letting go of ego for the greater good, again, see real life illustration – any labor and delivery room in America.
Women think differently than men. We process information in a different way, we listen in a different way, we understand in a different way because we as women ALWAYS look for common ground. We seek out the “how we are alike” and not the “how we are different.” You can take women from any culture, socio-economic class, or religion and find 900 ways in which they are different, but they will always find common ground in their children and in their being female.
Women are resilient. We bounce back better and faster, we think on our feet. Women seek the advice of others for everything from serious issues, to medical questions, to suggestions for gifts. We LOOK OUTSIDE OF OURSELVES FOR THE KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION THAT WE DO NOT OURSELVES POSSESS. This is a key to why women are good at managing and multi-tasking. We understand that the collective efforts of a well organized group with a strong leader are far more effective than the single stoic monarch.
This has brought me to the recent and challenging conversation I have had with myself.
I am thinking a lot lately about the idea of change as it has become a movement unto itself in the upcoming elections. This is very, very good news to me because clearly our continuation of the same mentality, direction, and leadership is no longer working. What does this demand for real change mean, and what does change mean really?
It may come when for the first time we are able to vote for a person who checks another box. We are able for the first time to vote for and elect a person who checks the box marked ‘F’. The United States of America has been under the leadership of and in the hands of white men for over 220 years. What is change?
We have been advised by and managed by men in almost every major leadership position for over 200 years with the exceptions of a few Secretaries of State in Albright and Rice, and now Pelosi in the Senate. These are all huge accomplishments when you consider the fact that women were only “given” the right to vote in 1920 (across the country after the hundred year battle through the states).
Change is going to have to come through a change in perspective and that change will only arrive through a new prisim and that prisim is available in one model – the XX chromosome. I have been an Edwards supporter since this battle began, but I am going to change my vote. I am going to vote for Hillary because I want a new perspective. I want a multi-tasker who will seek solutions. I want a person who will find similarities rather than determine differences; I want a person who will embrace the power of collective wisdom and the journey that is required when creating something of value; a person who understands that all issues have multiple sides, and that all problems have more than one solution. I want a leader who will think before taking action and will weigh loss of life, all life, not just American life, as a critical variable in any decision. I want a leader who is strong and passionate, real and human, compassionate and empathetic, and a representative of the greater good.
Why am I voting for Hillary Clinton? I offer two answers; 1) because I have to, and 2) because I can. Not only am I able, I have the opportunity.
Women multi-task as a matter of instinct, we are solution seekers by way of survival, we are negotiators, and nurturers, we are the most natural net-workers in existence. All of our hard wired female mechanics are designed to problem solve. To take care of multiple issues as once. If you have ever seen a mother in a grocery store managing multiple children, or for some, one is more than enough to provide evidence, then you know what I am writing about. Women are far better at letting go of ego for the greater good, again, see real life illustration – any labor and delivery room in America.
Women think differently than men. We process information in a different way, we listen in a different way, we understand in a different way because we as women ALWAYS look for common ground. We seek out the “how we are alike” and not the “how we are different.” You can take women from any culture, socio-economic class, or religion and find 900 ways in which they are different, but they will always find common ground in their children and in their being female.
Women are resilient. We bounce back better and faster, we think on our feet. Women seek the advice of others for everything from serious issues, to medical questions, to suggestions for gifts. We LOOK OUTSIDE OF OURSELVES FOR THE KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION THAT WE DO NOT OURSELVES POSSESS. This is a key to why women are good at managing and multi-tasking. We understand that the collective efforts of a well organized group with a strong leader are far more effective than the single stoic monarch.
This has brought me to the recent and challenging conversation I have had with myself.
I am thinking a lot lately about the idea of change as it has become a movement unto itself in the upcoming elections. This is very, very good news to me because clearly our continuation of the same mentality, direction, and leadership is no longer working. What does this demand for real change mean, and what does change mean really?
It may come when for the first time we are able to vote for a person who checks another box. We are able for the first time to vote for and elect a person who checks the box marked ‘F’. The United States of America has been under the leadership of and in the hands of white men for over 220 years. What is change?
We have been advised by and managed by men in almost every major leadership position for over 200 years with the exceptions of a few Secretaries of State in Albright and Rice, and now Pelosi in the Senate. These are all huge accomplishments when you consider the fact that women were only “given” the right to vote in 1920 (across the country after the hundred year battle through the states).
Change is going to have to come through a change in perspective and that change will only arrive through a new prisim and that prisim is available in one model – the XX chromosome. I have been an Edwards supporter since this battle began, but I am going to change my vote. I am going to vote for Hillary because I want a new perspective. I want a multi-tasker who will seek solutions. I want a person who will find similarities rather than determine differences; I want a person who will embrace the power of collective wisdom and the journey that is required when creating something of value; a person who understands that all issues have multiple sides, and that all problems have more than one solution. I want a leader who will think before taking action and will weigh loss of life, all life, not just American life, as a critical variable in any decision. I want a leader who is strong and passionate, real and human, compassionate and empathetic, and a representative of the greater good.
Why am I voting for Hillary Clinton? I offer two answers; 1) because I have to, and 2) because I can. Not only am I able, I have the opportunity.
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